Accenture Polska


Accenture is a leading global professional services company that helps the world’s leading businesses, governments and other organizations build their digital core, optimize their operations, accelerate revenue growth and enhance citizen services. We offer solutions and assets across Strategy & Consulting, Technology, Operations, Industry X and Accenture Song.

At Accenture Song, we recognize that the people behind the numbers are crucial to our culture, prosperity and the success of our customers' businesses. We place a high emphasis on each team member we hire and concentrate on their development and future progress from the start.


  • Facilitate collaborative client engagement through Design Thinking workshops, transforming challenges into opportunities to create user-centered value propositions.
  • Drive product innovation by focusing on prototyping, testing, and refinement to elevate product outcomes.
  • Advocate for agile methodologies, proactively enhancing skills to ensure adaptable and efficient SCRUM delivery.
  • Cultivate meaningful relationships with stakeholders, committed to continuous progress and identifying new opportunities for business growth and product success.

Flexible: The work location for this role may include a mix of working remotely, onsite at a client or in an Accenture office - depending on specific project circumstances.

With all our roles, there is some in-person time for collaboration, learning and building relationships with clients, peers, leaders, and communities. As an employer, we will be as flexible as possible to support your specific work/life needs.


  • Paid, several-month internship program - min. 3 months, 4-5 days a week, with flexible working hours and possibility to work remotely (hybrid mode).
  • A chance for long-term cooperation.
  • Opportunity for personal and professional development in HR area.
  • The opportunity to grow - based on a culture of feedback and constant support from a mentor, assistance from a Buddy in a new workplace.
  • Professional development - based on a culture of feedback and constant support from a mentor, a clear path of growth from the first day of work, and assistance from a Buddy in a new workplace.
  • Opportunity to engage or even come up with your own Social Impact Projects that support local communities and global charitable initiatives.
  • Paid employee referral program.

Accenture does not discriminate employment candidates on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, national origin, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnicity, denomination, sexual orientation or any other basis impermissible under Polish law.

All our leaders are committed to building a better, stronger and more durable company for future generations to create positive, long-lasting change. Inclusion and diversity are fundamental to our culture and core values. Our rich diversity makes us more innovative and creative, which helps us better serve our clients and our communities.

Our position as partner to many of the world’s leading businesses, organizations and governments affords us both an extraordinary opportunity and a tremendous responsibility to make a difference. Sustainability is one of our greatest responsibilities, which we embed it into everything we do and for everyone we work with.


  • Currently pursuing a degree in Product Design, UX, Visual Arts, or a related field (business degree with graphic design skills are also welcome).
  • Fluency in Polish or English (preferably both on C1/C2 level).
  • Available to work at least 30 hours per week, a few days a week from our office in Warsaw.
  • Some initial experience in UX and Design.
  • Strong UX and analytical skills.
  • Basic knowledge of digital product design principles, including UI patterns.
  • Proficiency in Figma.
  • Interest in Gen AI and keeping up with industry trends (you will have an opportunity to learn about Gen AI design on the job).

Jesteśmy ekspertami realizującymi projekty, których nikt nie jest w stanie zrobić albo nie jest w stanie zrobić równie dobrze jak my. W Accenture odpowiadamy na prawdziwe wyzwania stojące przed naszymi klientami dzięki innowacji, najnowocześniejszej technologii i dogłębnej znajomości rynku. Naszą największą satysfakcją jest widzieć dookoła rozwiązania Accenture, które napędzają nowoczesny biznes. Nowoczesność to nie jest temat jutra – my ją już dziś wdrażamy w życie. Dołączając do nas, uczysz się nowych rzeczy i sprawdzasz je w działaniu razem z doświadczonymi mentorami. Już od pierwszego dnia doświadczasz czegoś nowego. Tu zdobywasz wiedzę i umiejętności, które zostaną z Tobą na lata. Twoja kariera staje się gotowa na wszystkie zmiany rynku – przecież to Ty, razem z nami, już dziś tworzysz jutro biznesu.