Hi, we’re Polcode!
Why do we love this hashtag so much? Simply because it’s nothing but the truth! At Polcode, it really is all about the people, so working with us means that we stick together. We strongly believe that passion and development is what drives and inspires people every day. With us, you can grow both professionally and personally – pursue your career, develop friendships that last a lifetime, and expect MORE!
What we do
Our team of over 150 professionals helps both startups and world-leading digital companies build products, grow their businesses, and scale their workforce globally. We excel at open source technologies: PHP (Laravel, Symfony), Ruby on Rails, Python, React, VueJS, Angular, or Magento, which we use to build amazing experiences for our clients.
Our team
At Polcode, we proudly talk about our people and their professionalism. It’s thanks to them that we never stand still. We are constantly developing and taking up new challenges, but one thing remains unchanged – our care for development, balance, work comfort, and relationships. We see it as a key factor in doing great things.
Our promise
We communicate clearly and simply – there’s no need to guess or nitpick anything, so you can focus solely on a given project. We despise bureaucracy!
We respect your private life – no overtime, no weekend jobs, just a healthy work-life balance. That’s a promise!
Your opinion matters – you are the influencer we actually need. We appreciate your work and believe in the power of communication stemming from two-way feedback.
Join us and find out that at Polcode the people always come first.
Learn more at www.polcode.com
PHPSymfonyLaravelMagentoRuby on RailsJavaScriptPythonGolang
Management Board Member
Sales Director
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