Allegro is the most popular Polish shopping destination with about 14 million users monthly and over 750 thousand items sold on the platform daily. We are most of all a marketplace where companies can sell their products but auctions are available as well. In 2015 we started our own e-tail operations and they are constantly growing, adding more complexity and scale to our platform. Allegro is also getting more and more mobile, with over 47 million mobile searches monthly and over 130 thousand items bought on mobile devices every day.
Making a site like this work requires a lot of engineering and as the site grows, we learn and adopt new technologies. What started out as a monolithic application written in PHP is now migrating towards an ecosystem of loosely coupled microservices written in Java and other JVM languages running in the cloud. Creating a scalable and distributed system at this scale brings about many challenges which make our work interesting.
java8androidiOSgroovyspringRxJavaKotlinGolanggradlepythonspockscalahadoopmesoshystrixspring boothiveTensorFlowMongoDBkafkacassandra