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FAQ - Tech companies reviews

How does verification process look like?
We use 2-step verification:
  • Enter you LinkedIn profile link. We'll check if you've worked in the reviewed company.
  • Expect to receive a private message on Linkedin. We want to confirm that you are the person who entered the link.
How come reviews are anonymous if I have to give you my LinkedIn?
Sole purpose of the LinkedIn link is verification. We don't expose your data to anyone - on our portal nor in the APIs. Displayed review is anonymous.
Do I have to enter my position details?
No, it's optional.
Can I edit/delete my review?
Yes, you can do it if you are log in to you Bulldogjob's account. Reviews are visible in your account.
Can employers buy/edit/delete reviews on Bulldogjob?
No, employers can't do that. It's our top priority to build a reliable database on tech employers.
How would you prove you don't delete reviews?
Being transparent is a crucial topic for us. We've created a public repository on GitHub. We push there info on any review changes. Each review on our portal have an "i" icon. When clicked, you'll get an access to the most important metadata. Same information is duplicated in the repository as a RSA-signed JWT token.
If Bulldogjob doesn't earn money by selling reviews, how you monetize?
We make money on job postions, employer branding and articles. You can see our business offer here.
Can employer answer my review?
Yes, employer can comment on you review.
Can I post a review of any company?
Yes, you can review any company you want.
Who can add a review on Bulldojgob?
Reviews can be posted only by the IT specialists. Reviews from other sources will be rejected - especially HR, marketing etc.. If you think your review was rejected with no valid reason, please contact us at [email protected].
When my review can be rejected?
  • If you didn't confirm it via Linkedin message
  • If you didn't worked for reviewed employer
  • If it contains any form of hate speech or sub-standard language
  • If you are not working as an IT specialist
If you think your review was rejected with no valid reason, please contact us at [email protected].
How Bulldogjob differs from other company reviews platforms?
Our main goal is to create a valuable review database of tech employers. That's why we are so strict on verifiction. After veryfication, the reviee is visible as anonymous. We also discard reviews that contain hate speech or vulglar language.
What does Verifed employer means?
Companies that received Verified badge agreed to carry out satifaction survey in their IT departments. Once surveys are completed, the company agreed to publish 100% of the gathered responses on the portal.