How much IT Administrator earns in Poland?

Last update: 2024-12-10

We have gathered up-to-date salary data for the position of IT Administrator. Here you will find medians for:
  • lower and upper salary ranges from job postings from the last 30 days
  • salaries reported by specialists

All broken down by type of contract and experience level.

These are the salary ranges for IT Administrator

Here are the medians of the lower and upper salary ranges offered by IT employers in Poland in the last month.

Employment contract
PLN 11,000 - PLN 16,000
gross per month
PLN 7,000
PLN 14,000
PLN 12,000
PLN 20,000
B2B contract
PLN 18,500 - PLN 24,400
net on invoice per month
PLN 15,000
PLN 22,400
PLN 19,200
PLN 29,000
Median salaries offered by employers by experience level
RoleEmployment contractB2B contract
Mid IT AdministratorPLN 11,000 - PLN 16,000PLN 15,100 - PLN 20,000
Senior IT AdministratorPLN 14,000 - PLN 24,000PLN 22,000 - PLN 29,000
Source: Monitoring of job postings on Polish job portals for IT professionals. Data collected from offers published in the last 30 days. All values are provided in PLN per month – gross amounts for employment contracts (UoP) and net amounts (excluding VAT) for B2B contracts.

This is how much IT Administrator earns

Here are the median salaries reported by IT professionals working in this role.

Median salaries reported by IT professionals by experience level
RoleEmployment contractB2B contract
Source: IT Community Report 2024. Data collected in January 2024 from individuals declaring full-time commercial work for a single employer. Data points are omitted if insufficient. All values are provided in PLN per month – gross amounts for employment contracts (UoP) and net amounts (excluding VAT) for B2B contracts.