intive named a Google Developers Certified Agency for the second time
Same as last year, during the certification process, Google evaluated intive’s expertise in building Android applications as well as its involvement in the Android community.
13.03.20182 min

Munich, Germany – March 5, 2018 – intive has become a certified member of the Google Developers Agency Program in Germany for the second time in a row. This prestigious distinction, received by less than 50 companies in the world, confirms the highest quality of intive’s Android-based digital products and services.
A partnership for better results
Google Developers Agency Program was designed to empower software development companies by providing them with dedicated content, customized online resources, and priority support.
Reobtaining the certification proves intive’s continuous development and improvement in creating mobile solutions.
In addition to acknowledging the achievements, the title of the certified Google Developer Agency serves as a big advantage for the customers. As a part of Google Developer Agency program, intive gets early access to Google’s latest products and APIs, receives regular online support from Google and can count on professional UX reviews.
We benefit greatly from this program and partnership with Google's subject matter experts. Gaining a deeper understanding of the Google’s offerings helps us stand out and excel at building high-quality apps that fit clients’ needs – comments Dieter Huber, Head of Software Development Germany at intive.
Expanding horizons in app development
The Google Developers Agency Program membership is also very beneficial for intive’s employees, helping them stay in touch with Google’s tech staff and technology. Personalized training and conferences give intive’s developers an opportunity to step away from day to day project work and see first-hand the tools and services that Google focuses on in the near future.
In 2017 intive’s software engineers participated in a number of great events, such as Google I/O, Google Developer Days, Firebase Dev Summit, Modern Mobile Web, Google Playtime and Google Agency Days. In combination with Google’s training in this program, we can ensure that we are always on top of the development at Google and help our customers with state of the art support – says Dieter Huber.
Thanks to the recertification, in 2018 intive’s specialists once again will have a chance to join Google’s biggest conferences, learn best practices for mobile development and expand their knowledge of the Android platform.