Gabriela Lesiak
Gabriela LesiakAdvanced Software Engineer @ Relativity

Why soft skills matter for DevOps Engineers

Learn why the best DevOps Engineers are more than just coders.
20.03.20254 min
Why soft skills matter for DevOps Engineers

When we think about DevOps, we often picture high-tech tools like Kubernetes or CI/CD pipelines. And while those are important, real success comes from the people behind them. The best DevOps teams don’t just focus on technology—they build a culture of teamwork and continuous improvement, where technical skills and collaboration go hand in hand.

Great DevOps engineers aren't just experts at automating systems; they also know how to connect with a variety of people. While mastering the technical side is crucial, true success comes from soft skills like clear communication, flexibility, empathy, resolving conflicts, and maintaining a growth mindset. Let’s take a moment to explore how these skills can truly transform the way you work as a DevOps engineer.

1. Broken Communication: Breaking Silos

It would be a lovely Friday afternoon deployment except five minutes before go-live when the security team puts the brakes on it. Why? Because no one thought to tell them that the new firewall rule might need approval.

This happens all the time. In DevOps, you're not just working with code—you’re working with developers, security teams, operations, and management. If you can't translate technical issues into clear, actionable information, you're setting yourself up for frustration.

How to improve?

  • Use "Explain Like I’m Five" (ELI5). If you can’t explain your idea simply, you probably don’t understand it well enough.
  • Ask, don’t assume. Before assuming that another team understands your priorities, verify. A five-minute chat can save hours of rework.
  • Document decisions, not just changes. People don’t just need to know what changed, but why it changed.

2. Adaptability: When Plans Change

If you have been in the DevOps field for more than a week, you know that nothing ever goes 100% according to plan. A cloud provider goes down. Last-minute business ask-forces rollback. The "quick fix" someone pushed to production just broke everything.

The best engineers don’t panic—they adapt.

What helps?

  • Stay calm under pressure. Before losing your temper or reacting, pause and breathe.
  • Learn to say, "Let me check and get back to you" instead of giving rushed answers.
  • Accept that perfect plans don’t exist—build for resilience, not just efficiency.

3. Empathy: The Superpower We Do Not Value Enough

DevOps isn't just about automation; it's also about empowering teams to work better. You could write the most sophisticated Terraform script, but if the team doesn't understand how to use it, all that effort goes to waste.

Empathy in DevOps means understanding the perspectives of other teams—their needs, concerns, and motivations. With this, you can address problems more effectively and better tailor solutions to real-world challenges.

 How to build empathy?

    • Understand others’ perspectives. Talk to other teams about their challenges and how changes might affect them.
    • It’s not just about the tech, but the process. Address concerns about workflow changes and help them feel comfortable with new solutions.
    • Be patient and supportive. Educate teams and involve them in the process to make them more receptive to changes.

4. Conflict Management: Dealing with “The Blame Game”

Something breaks. People point their fingers. Dev blames Ops. Ops blames Dev. Security blames everyone. Familiar?

When the stakes are high, so are the emotions, and your job is to help de-escalate.

How to manage conflict?

  • Shift from blame to solutions: "How do we fix this?" instead of "Who caused this?". This mindset helps teams collaborate and move forward quickly.
  • Assume that most identified mistakes are not intentional sabotage, but just accidents. Focus on the problem at hand, not on pointing fingers.
  • No name-calling during retrospective investigation of incidents-they should be pure learning experience, not punishment.

5. Growth Mindset: The Career Booster of DevOps 

DevOps is a constantly evolving field, and it’s impossible to know everything right away. but what distinguishes an average engineer from a great one? A growth mindset — the ability to learn quickly, stay curious, and continuously improve.

In DevOps, learning doesn’t stop once you master the tools; the best engineers embrace a mentality of continual growth, seeking out new ways to improve both themselves and their work.

 How to keep growing?

  • Find a mentor: A 30-minute conversation with someone experienced can save you months of trial and error.
  • Ask “why” as well as “how”: Don’t just learn how something works, dig deeper into why it works that way. Build with the tools, not just about them.

The Best DevOps Engineers Are More Than Just Coders

Technical skills are essential, but it’s the soft skills that truly set you apart. The best DevOps engineers don’t just know how to code with Kubernetes or Terraform — they also excel at communicating, collaborating, and adapting.

So, the next time you're troubleshooting an interrupted deployment, ask yourself: was the issue in the code, or was it in the communication that came before it?
