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How to hack inFullMobile’s recruitment process?

24.10.20168 min
How to hack inFullMobile’s recruitment process?

Belonging to such a dynamic environment as the IT industry, we are aware that what is really important in the recruitment process is making sure it is both fast and efficient. We also want it to be flexible in order to meet both sides’ expectations. We always try to adapt and make the process as optimal as we can get it to be.

In the following post, I will describe a sample, most frequent scheme in our recruitment process. 

At inFullMobile, we know that what makes us strive is not any of our products, but our team. That’s why our team play a pivotal role in the recruitment activities. They take part in creating and planning of the recruitment calls and meetings, including writing test tasks and preparing technical questions, so the whole process is designed by specialists for specialists. On the other hand, the team is a source of information for candidates curious to know about how we work, and is also proof of how awesome, top-notch talent we already have on board.

From the moment we receive your application — a resume, a portfolio, a LinkedIn profile, or anything else you would like to show us to introduce yourself — we are excited to invite you for the 1st stage of the recruitment process. The first person you will meet is me, Alice. And I am the person that will guide you through the whole process.

The first step is usually a technical call with one of our developers. During this short call of about 30 minutes, we verify your knowledge, but are also ready to answer any of your questions about the company, our projects, and the way we work.

The next step, depending on whether you reside in Warsaw or somewhere else, is a practical task during a face-to-face meeting in our office or remotely.

In a face-to-face interview you will meet with me and one of the developers. For example, if you’re an iOS developer, you will meet with either Krzysztof or Piotr — the latter only if we arrange a meeting after 2 P.M., because Piotr shows up at the office no earlier than that… he’s quite a night owl. During the interview, we verify if you meet our expectations, especially when it comes to being able to implement awesome animations and being knowledgeable about the latest coding practices and standards. 

If you are applying for a Project Manager position then you will certainly meet with Chris himself, our Chief Operating Officer, who devours candidates for breakfast. (No, he really doesn’t, but surely he could.) If you would like to join iFM’s frontend team, you will most probably have a chance to talk to Dominik, our senior frontend developer and a huge JS enthusiast. You may have seen him or heard about him as he’s an active member and lecturer in the WarsawJS meetup group.
Meeting is also a chance for you to visit our office located in the heart of Warsaw, and see our team working, engaging in discussions… or doing cool yo-yo tricks :)


During the meeting, our developer may have a few technical questions, but above all you will get a coding task to perform.

When you are solving a test task, getting straight to an answer in the shortest time possible is not really what we care about the most. What’s important for us is to see how you deal with a problem, how are you trying to solve it, being on the outlook for solutions.

Our developers try their best to make the test tasks reflect the type of work that goes on and the type of skills employed in our projects. You can expect to encounter a fancy animation that you have to implement or a code fragment that you need to fix. And, as with everyday work, of course you can google it, use StackOverflow, or anything else that you find helpful.

The whole meeting takes about 1.5 hours, though being as talkative as we are, it can last a bit longer. In any case, after the technical part we also have a chance to chat and just get to know one another better. We love to hear your story, and then we switch roles: you can ask us about anything!

We strongly believe that sharing knowledge and experience moves us all forward, so we practice it within our team. This also applies to recruitment. You don’t know an answer during the interview? Just tell us so. It’s a good sign for us when you are being curious and inquisitive about a subject. Very often candidates get back to us with feedback that they have learned a lot of new things from our developers during recruitment process itself, which we always love to hear!

If you are not in Warsaw, a remote test task may be sent to you via email or Github. We don’t give you a deadline and we don’t set a countdown from the second you open the task: when you get it from us, let us know how much time you need, and we will expect your answer on the agreed date. The rules here are the same as for the face-to-face interview; we would also like to get to know you and tell you all about us, which we can do during another call.

During the 3rd and final step, we will get back to you with our feedback and, if it’s positive, we make you an offer. Of course, if the decision is not positive, we will let you know anyway and we hope to stay in touch with you. Very often we reach out to former candidates, even after a long time since the first interview had passed, because why not to give ourselves another shot?

A lot of our successful recruitments starts from recommendations, mostly from our team (which, by the way, involves a nice bonus), but that is not the rule. Sometimes we get a recommendation from someone that took part in our recruitment process, liked it, and, despite it not working out in the end, let his or her friend know about us. There were also a few situations in which a candidate we have recruited in the past has returned to us… as a client :)

If you say “yes" to our offer, it’s only a little paperwork that remains, after which we are super happy to welcome you in the inFullTeam! 

Now let the team speak — here are a few testimonials from our team members about our recruitment process:

“Going in for an interview, I knew that there would be a task to do. I expected it  would be to write on paper, but instead they gave me a laptop and a mobile device, and my job was to reproduce a simple app. The key to success was not to reproduce the app in its entirety, but in whichever way I would choose myself.”

Krzysiek, iOS developer

“The best facet of our recruitment process is, in my opinion, respecting one another’s time. We value yours and our time more than anything, so we have designed our recruitment process to be effective and flexible at the same time. Everyone has an opportunity to show their skills during meetings, phone calls, and coding tasks. Questions concern all base system frameworks — from the foundations to creating an amazing user interface. Coding tasks are set up beforehand and are well-documented.”  

Krzysiek, iOS developer

“What I liked in the iFM’s recruitment process was that it looked very different from the other companies’ recruitment processes. A casual talk, a lack of nervous atmosphere, the smiling, the jokes. You could see right away who you would be working with. Besides that, the process itself was pretty fast: it took one week from the initial meeting arrangement to the final decision.”

Kuba, iOS developer

“What persuaded me to join was the understanding of the value of my time; a fairly flexible schedule to meet and a simple ‘thank you for your time’ goes a long way. Adam, who  conducted the technical part of the interview, also understood that, during development, there is more inherent value in being able to deal with the unknown, rather than operating in an environment of perfect knowledge.”

Jacek, Android developer

“iFM interviews are passed in a friendly, collegial atmosphere. A comprehensive set of technical questions, prepared by our team, gives the recruiter a chance to choose from a wide range of topics, on a multitude of difficulty levels. Because of that we can understand the candidate’s skills and interests much better from the outset of the recruitment process.”

Paweł, Android developer

“Through the whole process, I was always updated with all the information needed, whether about the interview itself, the formal side, or the meeting’s details. There was a lot of flexibility in arranging a meeting. An interview was not a typical one-on-one talk; there were a few people engaged, who made the atmosphere much more friendlier and helped me to get rid of the stress I had before I came in. The fact that there was an entire team engaged in evaluation demonstrated to me that the process was objective. I had an opportunity to present my skills right away, doing a sample task during the interview.”

Paweł, QA

Alicja Topor, HR Manager

