We are seeking a highly skilled SIEM Sentinel Engineer to join our security team. In this role, you will be responsible for deploying, configuring, and managing Microsoft Azure Sentinel, monitoring security events, and optimizing our incident response capabilities. The ideal candidate will have in-depth technical expertise in Azure Sentinel and a strong understanding of cybersecurity principles.

Your tasks

  • Deploy and configure Azure Sentinel to integrate with multiple data sources, ensuring thorough coverage and accurate logging of security events
  • Continuously monitor and analyze security events and alerts generated by Azure Sentinel to detect potential threats and incidents
  • Develop and fine-tune detection rules and use cases to improve Azure Sentinel's effectiveness in identifying security threats
  • Leverage ADX and AMA for advanced log analytics, enabling detailed investigations and rapid querying of large data sets
  • Implement and manage Logic Apps for automating workflows, enhancing incident response, and integrating Azure Sentinel with other security tools
  • Diagnose and resolve issues in complex network environments to ensure smooth operation of the SIEM system and minimize downtime
  • Generate comprehensive reports and maintain thorough documentation related to security events and SIEM system performance
  • Work closely with other IT and security teams to ensure the integration of Azure Sentinel with other security tools and systems

  • Strong experience with SIEM systems, specifically in Microsoft Azure Sentinel deployment, configuration, and management
  • Solid understanding of cybersecurity principles, threat landscapes, and common attack vectors
  • Familiarity with security frameworks and industry best practices
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills for investigating security incidents and identifying root causes
  • Proficiency in scripting languages such as Python, PowerShell, or Kusto Query Language (KQL) for automation and detection rule customization
  • Hands-on experience integrating various data sources like firewalls, IDS/IPS, antivirus systems, and other security tools with Azure Sentinel
  • Expertise in using ADX and AMA for advanced log analytics and large data set querying

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